Dutch for Adults

This school year the Oranjeschool is offering Dutch classes for adult learners at 6 different levels and an inperson conversation. All courses, except for the conversation course, will be offered through a combination of live online classes using MS Teams and two or three in person meetings; one to kick off the course and one to close out the course. The course consists of 22 two hour long classes. The cost of this years’ course is $550. If you need to purchase a book for the course there will be an additional fee. The format will be 3 weeks on and 1 week off. The classes will finish before the beginning of May so students will have the opportunity, if desired, to participate in the CNaVT exam. To determine what domain or exam level is relevant for a candidate your teacher will asses your proficiency based on the classes and the ERK – ‘Europees Referentie Kader voor Talen’.  

The in person conversation course consists of 12 classes between oktober and April. The cost are $350 per person, with no additional materials required. This in person class will meet at a central location in the Seattle area. Students are expected to prepare for each session with materials provided by the instructor. Homework will also be assigned for additional practice.

Summary of levels offered this upcoming schoolyear (read below for a detailed explanation).

  • The Basic Dutch level I (0-A1) is a beginners’ course and open to anyone. No prior knowledge of the Dutch language is required. Classes are on Monday and Tuesday evening from 7:00-9:00pm.
  • The Basic Dutch level ll (A1-A2) course is open to anyone who participated in our beginners’ classes Basic level l or to anyone with a little knowledge about the Dutch language. Classes are on Monday evening from 7:00 – 9:00pm.
  • The intermediate level I (A2-B1)  course is open to anyone who participated in the beginners’ classes Basic level ll or to anyone with some knowledge about the Dutch language. Classes are on Monday from 7:00-9:00pm. 
  • The intermediate level II (A2-B1) course is open to anyone who participated in the Intermediate level I class or to anyone with prior knowledge about the Dutch language. Classes will either be on Tuesday from 7:00-9:00pm.
  • The advanced level I (B1-B2) course is open to anyone who participated in the Intermediate level II class or to anyone with prior knowledge about the Dutch language. Classes will be on Thursday evening from 7:00-9:00pm.
  • The advanced level II (B2-C1) course is open to anyone who participated in the advanced level I class or to anyone with prior knowledge about the Dutch language. Classes will be on Wednesday evening from 7:00-9:00pm.
  • The conversation course is open to indivuals who have completed Basic I and/or have a speaking level of A2. Classes will be on Wednesday evening from 7:00-9:00pm.  

After receiving your registration returning students will be placed in the appropriate groups and new students will have a level assessment by one of our teachers and a final placement. All classes require a minimum amount of students. 

Class overview:

CourseTeacherDay/TimeFirst day of ClassMaterials
BASIC I  Online Larry MonsterMonday 7:00-9:00pm or Tuesday 7:00-9:00pm16 or 17 SeptemberDelftse methode 0 -A2
BASIC II  Online Stefanie VasconcellosMonday 7:00-9:00pm16-SepDelftse methode 0 -A2
Intermediate I Online Ilse IdemaMonday 7:00-9:00pm16-SepDelftse methode Tweede ronde  A2 – B1
Intermediate II-Online Rosanne WoldhuisTuesday 7:00-9:00pm17-SepDelftse methode Tweede ronde  A2 – B1
Advanced I Online Rosanne WoldhuisThursday 7:00-9:00pm19-SepDelftse methode Derde ronde B1 – B2
Advanced II Online Rosanne WoldhuisWednesday 7:00-9:00pm18-SepZichtbaar Nederlands
Conversation CourseStefanie VasconcellosWednesday 7:00-9:00pm9-Octnone


To register, please click on the button below.

After confirmation, the Oranjeschool will send an invoice by e-mail for the total course fees (incl. materials).

Payment can be made using electronic funds transfer (EFT), a link for this will be sent along with the invoice. The full fee will need to be received before the start of the course.

Interested? Please contact us at info@oranjeschool.org

Detailed course information:

>> Basic Dutch level I.

We will use the book ‘Nederlands voor beginners’ (5th edition) from de Delftse Methode for our curriculum with additional exercises where needed.

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • understand and use familiar everyday expressions and basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type.
  • to write simple sentences and spell basic words correctly or at least phonetically correct.
  • introduce him/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she has.
  • interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.

>> Basic Dutch level ll

We will use the book ‘Nederlands voor beginners’ (5th edition) from de Delftse Methode for our curriculum with additional exercises where needed.

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • build on the vocabulary learned in Basic I course and understand and use familiar everyday expressions and basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type.
  • to write simple sentences and spell basic words correctly or at least phonetically correct.
  • introduce him/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she has.
  • interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.

At the end of the Basic II course, students will be ready to take the “Inburgeringsexamen” (integration examination for immigrants from outside the EU, level A1) or the language test “Maatschappelijk informeel” (A2)exam from CNaVT.

>> Intermediate Dutch I

We will use the book ‘Tweede ronde, Nederlands voor buitenlanders’ (5th edition) from de Delftse Methode for our curriculum with additional exercises where needed. 

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • understand and use sentences and frequently used expressions related to situations and areas of most immediate relevance. You can think of personal information, work, school, shopping, geography and history, job and health related items.
  • to write and communicate in simple sentences and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters
  • deal with situations that are likely to happen while traveling in the area where Dutch is spoken.
  • describe feelings, emotions, experiences, dreams, and ambitions. You are able to explain your reasons, plans and choices. 

At the end of the Intermediate course, students will be ready to take the language proficiency test (B1) “Maatschappelijk Formeel” from CNaVT. 

>> Intermediate Dutch II

We will use the book ‘Tweede ronde, Nederlands voor buitenlanders’ (5th edition) from de Delftse Methode for our curriculum with additional exercises where needed. 

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • understand and use sentences and frequently used expressions related to situations and areas of most immediate relevance. You can think of personal information, work, school, shopping, geography and history, job and health related items.
  • to write and communicate in more complex sentences and direct exchange of information on routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and nonfamiliar matters
  • deal with situations that are likely to happen while traveling in the area where Dutch is spoken.
  • discuss frequent topics in life or what you read/see in the media, share your opinion and explain with arguments.
  • Describe feelings, emotions, experiences, dreams and ambitions. You are able to explain your reasons, plans and choices. 

>> Advanced Dutch I

We will use the book Derde ronde, Nederlands voor buitenlanders’ (5th edition) from de Delftse Methode for our curriculum with additional exercises where needed. 

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Understand the main points of input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. 
  • Deal with most situations that are likely to arise while traveling in an area where Dutch is spoken.
  • Speak and write about current, familiar, and complicated topics using more complex sentences. 
  • Be able to interpret information from diagrams and graphs. 
  • Describe feelings, emotions, experiences, dreams, and ambitions. You will be able to provide in-depth reasons and explanations for your opinions and plans.
  • At the end of the Advanced course, students will be ready to take the language proficiency test (B2) “Zakelijk Professioneel’’ or “Educatief Startbekwaam” from CNaVT.

At the end of the Intermediate course, students will be ready to take the language proficiency test (B1) “Maatschappelijk Formeel” from CNaVT.

>> Advanced Dutch II

We will use the book Zichtbaar Nederlands to expand our knowledge of the Dutch grammar. This course will incorporate different types of learning materials, including but not limited to articles, books, television, podcasts and radio. 

  • At the end of this course, you will be able to:
    – Read long and complex texts in different styles and understand specialized topics not related to your field of interest.
    – Speak in a fluent manner without obvious searching for expressions. You can use language flexibly and effectively for social and professional purposes, using clear and detailed descriptions.
    – Write about complex topics in a clear and well-structured way.
    – Listen and understand everyday use of language in which meaning can sometimes be implied. You can also understand television programs and films without too much effort.

At the end of the course you should be able to complete the CNaVT ‘’Educatief Professioneel’’ (EDUP) at C1 level.

>> Conversation classes

Do you already have a basic understanding of Dutch and want to improve your speaking skills? Do you feel you could benefit from more speaking practice in addition to the DFA classes? Or do you feel your Dutch could use a refresher? Then the conversation classes at the Oranjeschool are perfect for you! These classes are not only ideal as a supplement to the regular Dutch For Adults courses at Oranjeschool, but also for maintaining your current level.

Speaking is the focus of these sessions; no grammar is taught during these lessons. Each class is organized thematically, with a different theme for each session. We will practice practical conversations and simulate daily situations through role-plays, such as conversations in a shop or restaurant, as well as dialogues between friends or colleagues at work. This will help you converse with more ease and confidence in your next conversation with a Dutch speaker.